Playing Minecraft over a local network. How to play Minecraft together over a local network or the Internet

Many players are wondering how to play Minecraft online via hamachi. In this article, we will look at solving this issue.

Minecraft is currently far from a new computer game, but, nevertheless, it is extremely popular, especially among children.

This game belongs to the sandbox genre, which means that players not only influence the game worlds, but also take a direct part in their creation.

The game has gained a lot of fans because it has many different game modes that will appeal to a large gaming audience.

It must be said that the game is distributed on a paid basis, however, there are free demo versions, as well as hacked pirated ones. Considering the specificity of the audience, which does not have financial resources, such opportunities attract a lot of new players.

Minecraft is a game that not only has a single player mode, but also a multiplayer one. Of course, it is much more fun, enjoyable and easier to play with friends in a company.

Moreover, many game aspects affect not only interaction with the game world, but also with other players. However, if you do not play the official licensed version of the game, then great difficulties may arise with the network mode.

A local network emulator, hamachi, can help compensate for this shortcoming, which will allow several players to play together on any version of the game.

Hamachi is designed to imitate a virtual local network, suitable for organizing online play in various games, including Minecraft. The process of setting up this program is quite simple and anyone can figure it out without much difficulty.

Below we will look at the steps you need to follow to create and manage your own virtual local network:

This completes the creation of the network, and we move on to the second part of the guide:

Launch the Minecraft game launcher and click “Play”.

Once you are directly in the game world, you need to press the ESC key and click on the “Open for network” function.

In the presented window, you need to click on the “Open the world to the network” function;

As a result, a message will appear in the lower left corner - “The local server is running on port XXXXX”, where instead of X a number characterizing the port number will be indicated. This number should be remembered or written down.

Now comes the third stage, in which friends will begin to join the created network:

Here we have provided a step-by-step guide on how to play Minecraft online via hamachi.

What to do if you can’t connect to the game via Hamachi

Sometimes it happens that even after carefully following all the necessary steps to create and configure your own network, other users are unable to connect to it.

Basically, they get an error when they try to connect, and the most common problem is that while on the same network, users cannot see each other.

Each error has its own solution, however, there are a number of general manipulations that can be carried out to prevent them.

To do this, go to the “Network and Sharing Management” section through the control panel. Next, in the list of available connections, select the one used by Hamachi and click on “Properties”.

A new window will contain a list of components using this connection. From the list provided, select the line called “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and open “Properties”.

After performing the above mentioned manipulations, a window with network settings will open, which contains information that is valuable to us, namely the IP address. The IP address itself must be written in this form –

This manipulation will need to be performed both by the person who creates the network (server) and by everyone else who joins it. At the end, the address should contain the number 1 for the server, and the second participant writes 2 instead of 1, and so on in an ascending manner, each participant sets his own number. In the “subnet mask” column, you should also enter for all network participants.

After these manipulations, you can again carry out the steps discussed in the network setup guide in the first section, however, with one difference that the IP address does not need to be copied from Hamachi, but must be taken from the network settings.

Errors of other kinds can be caused by a number of factors, for example, incorrect operation of Hamachi, individual characteristics of the provider, an unstable hacked version of the game itself, etc.

Hi all! Today we will tell you how to play minecraft online with friends. There is nothing complicated about it; it only takes a few minutes. On this page we will provide several ways that will allow you to play with a friend online. Everyone can play online, regardless of whether you have a pirated version or a licensed launcher. The only thing that is important is that you and your friend must have the same version of the game.

How to Play Minecraft Online Using Hamachi

  1. Install Hamachi on your PC;
  2. Launch it;
  3. Create a new network;
    • “Network ID” - write down any name;
    • "Password" - set any one.
    • Click "Create".
  4. Open the "System" tab, then "Parameters" (Filling example);
    • "Local UDP address" - set the value to "1337"
    • "Local TCP address" - "7777"
    • "Use proxy server" - "No"
  5. Click "OK";
  6. After which you will need to disable Windows Firewall
  7. Next comes setting up the network; for convenience, we recommend looking at it.

An easy way to play with a friend online:

  1. Launch the Minecraft game;
  2. Create a world or incorporate an existing one;
  3. During the game, press "ESC";
  4. Find the "Open the world to the network" tab;
  5. The message "Local server started at" will appear in the chat.
  6. You need to find out your IP address on ;
  7. And replace four zeros with what you got (Example:;
  8. We give this IP address and port to our friend.

The last digits of ":51259" may be different, you need to leave yours and change only the zeros. This concludes our instructions. We hope that it was useful for you and you were able to play with a friend over the network in Minecraft.

Video instructions for Hamachi

Probably everyone who plays Minecraft has at least once wanted to play an online game with a friend. The easiest way to play was through a phone, since you only needed to distribute Wi-Fi, and the other player would connect to it. But if someone wanted to play Minecraft via a computer over a network, then they probably encountered difficulties.

How to play Minecraft with a friend online?

There are several ways to play:

  1. Play on one server;
  2. Play in your own world by downloading Hamachi;
  3. Play with friends over Wi-Fi on your phone.

These methods work for any version of Minecraft, so don't worry if you have an older or newer version.

Method one: playing over IP

To play online, just agree with a friend or friends on which server you will play. Next, enter the server’s IP address, log in and you can safely play online all together.

Method two: playing through Hamachi

Download the Hamachi program to your computer, it is available for free. After that, launch and register.

After registration, you will see the following window:

After you have created a network, launch Minecraft, then create a new world or select an existing one. After you have logged into the server, open it for the network (to do this, pause the game and click on “Open for the network”). The local network port will be written in the chat.

You won't have to do anything else. Your friend must first connect to your network in Hamachi by writing a name and password. Then copy your IP address and paste it into the address bar. Then, without a space, put a colon and the local network port (these are the numbers that were shown for you). It should be approximately the same as in the screenshot.

If you are tired of playing all alone and want to diversify the gameplay, then playing online can help with this. But I warn you, if you are a sensitive and easily vulnerable person, then it’s better not to try - brain drain and a lot of unpleasant sensations, all this can be easily gained in an online game. On the other hand, there you can meet other people, unite with them in teams, and on some servers even in clans.

In this article I will tell you how to join a network game, use the game chat and some other details, and everything else, you can find out from other players.

Before I talk about how to play Minecraft online, I hasten to warn you that first of all you will need to download the latest or penultimate version of the client. Also, the easiest option would be to download and then install a ready-made client from the website of a particular game server. This will be the simplest option. You do not need to enter the server address, install mods allowed on the server, etc. To find such servers, just type the corresponding query into Google. There is also a convenient website where such servers are monitored -

If this option does not suit you. And you are still thinking about how to play Minecraft online, or you simply want to join the server of your friend or friends, then you will have to follow these steps:

  1. You will need to find out the client version of the server you want to play on.
  2. You will need an IP address.
  3. As soon as you get this data, you can go into the game, select the “network game” tab. Then a field will appear in which you can enter the server address, enter it and click next.

After completing these steps, the following is possible: you will enter the game, but you will not be able to move or you will not be able to get into the game.

When you make the first mistake, there is no need to be sad, everything is correct, because this means that you are simply not registered, and this, since you were able to enter the game, can be done through the chat. It, in turn, opens through the letter “E” (Russian) or “T” (English).

In the window that opens, write:

The slash - “/” is required, but instead of the word “parol” you can write any password that you can think of.

In just a few seconds, everything will depend on the power of the server, you can start going about your business, searching coal, cut down trees etc.

But it is also worth noting that in this case, you will need to remember how, after leaving the game, you can enter it.

To do this you need to enter:

All rules are the same as in the previous case. Only in the password field, we enter what we entered earlier.

Now let's move on to another case when entering the game failed and the game threw an error. This means that a special client is required to run the game, usually available on the game's website.

It no longer makes sense to search for how to play Minecraft 1.5.2 online; this version of the game is morally outdated. Therefore, there are practically no servers with this version of the game left. The current version is 1.7.2.

You can play Minecraft over a local network using the method described above, but you will only need to download not only the game client, but also the server, which you will then have to run on a separate computer.

It seems like everyone plays online, you go to the server and play for yourself. But what to do if you don’t particularly feel like running in singles, and you don’t feel like running with just anyone. With friends, or at least one. But for this you need to make your own server. You can also run locally if there are two or three of you. In general, there are options. Since the multiplayer function appeared in Minecraft, this is basically how people have played. It was only later that they began to create full-fledged servers. In addition, not all servers can be accessed if the game is not purchased. Moreover, if you officially have to pay for the client part of the game, then the server part is initially freely available, that is, if the machine can handle it, and even better, if there is a separate computer where you can install the server, then you can run a full-fledged “adult” server for free, and without breaking any laws. In order to play Minecraft online for free, and without registration, you will have to create your own server. Here are some solution cases.

How to play Minecraft online. Creating a local network

The local network will be convenient if we want to play with one or two friends. The more people we are going to let into our games, the further we move away from the local network, and the closer we get to a full-fledged server. You can create a local network:

  • Physically, having two computers in the same room or building, a network cable between them, Wi-fi or through a router.
  • Programmatically, and computers can then be located in different cities, countries, and so on... Such a local network is created using VPN, tunneling and other scary things. For our purposes, there is a fairly convenient program - Hamachi, which manages the tunnels independently. The main thing is that all participants have the same version of hamachi.

Physical local network

To do this, you need to establish a connection between computers, bypassing the Internet. If both of your computers have the same source of Internet access (same Wi-Fi network, cable connection to the same router, etc.), then there is a high probability that they are already physically on the same local network, or within one “network node”. In this case, additional configuration is most often not needed; the same router is responsible for distributing IP addresses. In case two computers connect directly to each other, you may need to configure the IP addresses manually.

After this, you can launch Minecraft, create a network game, and start playing. Players will simply need to find a server on the local network. The only negative is the high load on the distributing computer or mobile device. Yes, having the appropriate versions of Minecraft, you can play both through a smartphone and a tablet, but the server takes a lot of resources. To solve this problem, it is better to appoint a computer that is not participating in the game as the server.

Logical local network

Let's figure out step by step what you need to do to play Minecraft online via Hamachi. For this:

  1. First of all, you need to download Hamachi. Link to official website.
  2. After downloading the same version on all computers, install it.
  3. On one of the computers, preferably the one that will be the Minecraft server, we create a connection in Hamachi. Enter the network name and password to connect other participants to the network.
  4. On other computers you can now connect to the created network by entering the appropriate name and password.
  5. Now that the connection is established, you can run Minecraft on your main computer and create a world. After creation, we open the world to the network. We remember the port that will be indicated in the chat when opening the world over the network.
  6. Participants, having launched Minecraft, copy the IP address of the main computer (IPV4 - it’s easy to copy it in Hamachi), select a “direct connection” to the server in Minecraft and insert this IP into the “Server Address” field, and after it, without spaces, “:” and port number. After that, click the “Connect” button and get to the server.

Creating a server for Minecraft

If you want 5-10 people to participate in the game, then it will be more convenient to create a normal server.

In order to do it, you need

  1. First, download the server part from the site
  2. Place the downloaded file in a separate folder, which will also be the root of the server directory. We run the file and let the files necessary for the server to operate be unpacked.
  3. The server is ready to go. For its settings you will need to make changes to the file There are many parameters in it, but first of all they will be useful gamemode, which allows you to set the default game mode, white-list, which will allow access only to certain players, and max-build-height primarily to limit the load on the server .

It is worth noting that files in progress are subject to change, and the changes you make take effect only after the server is rebooted. Therefore, it would be more correct to edit the server settings when it is turned off.

How to play Minecraft online. Connecting to your server in Minecraft

If we still want to connect to our server from the same computer on which it is running, then we need to launch the Minecraft client, and when connecting to the server, specify localhost or as the IP. The default port is usually 25565.

To connect to your server via the Internet, it is better to have a static IP on it, otherwise you will have to enter a new address almost every time you reconnect. To determine the IP address of the server (where to connect?), the easiest way is to use an online service such as “Your computer name”, consisting of four series of numbers, is your IP address. The port for Minecraft is still the same - 25565.

If the server connects to the Internet indirectly, through a router, then this port may be closed on the router. In this case, the best solution would be to open or “forward” this port on the router. Opening a port on a router requires accessing it through its web interface, and sometimes downloading additional software.

In the simplest case, you can log into the router’s web interface using the settings indicated on its case. The IP address can change, and when entering the web interface itself, the combination of login: admin and password: password almost always works.

Depending on the router model and its firmware version, the “forwarding” function may be called NAT or Port Forwarding. Having found the appropriate menu item, you should fill in the start and end port fields with the desired value (in our case 25565), and in the IP address field indicate the address of the computer that we use as a server. Ports are configured for TCP and UDP protocols. After such an operation, the server must be accessible to users via the Internet.

In order for a server with high traffic to work stably, it must be administered, but this is a separate topic. Stable servers are usually made not on Windows, but on Linux, and this operating system has many of its own features. In addition, additional mods and scripts will be required to maintain public interest. All this will take time and effort, and it will take more than one article to describe the administration process itself.

Video on how to play Minecraft online on smartphones and tablets:

This guy did it, and you can do it too.